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Over their lifetime, women experience changes and different conditions within the body that men never will. A woman’s body has special characteristics that put it into a class of its own.

Because a woman’s body has certain abilities that a man’s does not, it is obvious why women are susceptible to several health issues and painful conditions that men will never encounter. Everything from monthly menses to childbirth to menopause, all are natural experiences that women encounter which have the potential to cause discomfort, pain or associated health problems.

Physiotherapy is a fantastic educational, emotional or physical solution that women can turn to when seeking comfort and relief from female-specific problems. There are numerous treatments and therapies that can assist women when dealing with any female condition, whether it is before, during or after the onset of problematic symptoms.

  • What Is Chronic Pain
  • Pelvic Floor Health
  • Pain after Child Birth
What Is Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is generally classified as pain that lasts for longer than 6 months [1]. While there are many possible causes, one is thought to be due to problems with some of the receptors found throughout the body that receive and transmit information from your five senses to your brain. Alternately there may be a problem with how the receptors of the central brain and nervous system interpret the information they receive [2]. Common complaints include joint pain from arthritis, headache, low back pain or pain associated with cancer. There is also the chronic pain that seems to have no real cause but is just as severe and debilitating as pain with a known cause.

Pelvic Floor Health

The pelvic floor is made up of a number of layers of muscle tissue and associated ligaments that are anchored within the ‘bowl’ of the pelvis. These are connected to the pubic bone in the front, the tailbone in the back, between the sitting bones as well as to the hip muscles deep inside the pelvis. The muscular tissue and ligaments support all of the organs located in your pelvic region, including the bladder, small intestine, rectum, and, in women, the uterus and vagina.

Pain after Child Birth

While many health issues affect both men and women, there are a number of conditions that only affect women. Women's health is a distinct specialty within the healthcare field. This guide was designed to help you understand the causes and treatment options available for painful conditions which can develop after childbirth. There is no reason to suffer alone – get educated on your condition, speak to your healthcare practitioner about it, and get help.

A woman's body goes through many physical changes before, during and after childbirth, with many of these changes being accompanied by pain. With all the other emotions and physical changes during this time (lack of sleep, excitement over the new baby, spending time with visitors, learning how to be a new parent, etc.), having to deal with pain is the last thing a new mother wants to add to the mix. Pain can be felt in various parts of the body. This article describes the causes and best treatments for the most common types of pain experienced by new mothers.

  • Back: During pregnancy, the weight of the growing baby changes a woman's posture which can result in strain to the back, pelvis, neck and shoulders.
  • Hips: Depending on the duration and positions during labor, a woman can spend many hours with her feet up in stirrups or with her legs being stressed in extreme ranges of motion.
  • The Perineum: Women who have had a vaginal delivery experience significant strain on the perineum commonly resulting in swelling and discomfort after childbirth. Perineum is the term describing area of the women’s genitals between the anus and the pubic bone. 90% of women who have just given birth report pain in their perineum, with 37% listing the pain as severe [2]. Pain is usually due to the trauma that has occurred during the birthing process.
  • Numbness in hands and wrists: Due to the physical strain a growing baby puts on a mother, many pregnant women develop carpal tunnel syndrome before or after delivery.
  • Leg Cramps: Muscle cramps can be very painful and uncomfortable, disrupting sleep and the ability to sit comfortably as well as return to exercise.
  • Depression: Postpartum depression is a very serious condition that occurs in approximately 25% of new mothers. The symptoms include sadness, sleeplessness, feelings of guilt and inadequacy, exhaustion and low energy. Postpartum depression has been attributed to vitamin deficiencies [6] and also the changing hormone levels that women experience [7]. Risk factors include formula feeding, smoking, low self esteem, anxiety, history of depression, health problems of the baby and lack of a support system

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